They Lie Here by N.S. Ford #BlogTour #BookReview #PsychologicalThriller

Thank you to The Write Reads for my spot on this blog tour.


Kat Green has made a career out of tracking down reclusive former celebrities. When she moves to the quaint English city of Waelminster, she’s on the trail of enigmatic pop star Roskoe Darke, of the band Scorpio Hearts. He hasn’t been heard of since 1985, but she’s confident she’ll find him. However, as the clues become more bizarre and sinister, Kat has to confront the darkness of her own past. Who can she trust when everyone is hiding the truth?

N S Ford is a book fanatic, blogger and cat lover who lives in the UK. She is the author of two cross-genre psychological thrillers, ‘We Watch You’ and ‘They Lie Here,’ plus a new collection of dystopian short stories, ‘After the Burning’.

What’s it about (in a nutshell):

Kat Green is searching for a musician named Roskoe Darke, who disappeared in the mid-1980s. Once she moves to the town where his band started their career, she is thrown into a darkly twisty and turny investigation with the most shocking ending.

My Reading Experience:

There are two timelines and three different stories: the current timeline involves Kat’s investigation, and the two past plotlines are about child music sensations Cherry and Blue and pop phenom Roskoe Darke. I was never once confused about where and when I was.

I loved the dip into the paranormal. It gives this thriller a touch of mystique and enhances its compelling nature. I also enjoyed the clever way all the plotlines came together after carrying me on such a twisty and turny journey. And that ending made my jaw drop. It has all the elements that I love in a thriller.


The characters are enticingly layered and complex, and all hold secrets that Kat will have to reveal if she wants to further her

investigation. I didn’t find any of the characters particularly relatable, but even better – I found them endlessly fascinating and just had to know more about them.

Narration & Pacing

Kat tells the current day timeline in 1st person, with the past timelines being in 3rd person. The first-person narration and the amount of dialogue worked together to keep the pace extremely fast, which I enjoyed. Also, the clever writing and loads of suspense added to the quickness of the pace, making me race through the pages.


The fictional town of Waelminster in the UK. I loved how the detailed descriptions made it feel like an authentic place that I grew to know so well.

Read if you like:

  • Innovative storytelling
  • Thrillers with touches of the paranormal
  • Unpredictable plotlines

20 Replies to “They Lie Here by N.S. Ford #BlogTour #BookReview #PsychologicalThriller”

  1. This is so multi-layered, I love all the varying elements at play. Awesome review!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oooohhh – this sounds like a good one. I love books with seemingly different plot lines that come together – especially when there’s such a shocking twist. Nice review, Tessa!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Purple’s not my favorite color, but I find that cover striking.

    Historically, I haven’t been a fan of a mix of first and third person narration, but it can work. The book sounds good, though. You know this genre appeals to me. Thanks for sharing, Tessa.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well, that review sold me. I don’t generally like a first and third person mix of POV, but everything else about this one screams TBR. It’s going on my list!

    Liked by 1 person

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