WWW Wednesday | What am I Reading Now? – May 20th

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Book Description

Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publication Date: June 9, 2020

Charlotte didn’t know her greatest risk was saying, “I do.”

When Charlotte married the wealthy widower Paul, it caused a ripple of gossip in their small lakeside town. They have a charmed life together, despite the cruel whispers about her humble past and his first marriage. But everything starts to unravel when she discovers a young woman’s body floating in the exact same spot where Paul’s first wife tragically drowned.

At first, it seems like a horrific coincidence, but the stranger in the lake is no stranger. Charlotte saw Paul talking to her the day before, even though Paul tells the police he’s never met the woman. His lie exposes cracks in their fragile new marriage, cracks Charlotte is determined to keep from breaking them in two.

As Charlotte uncovers dark mysteries about the man she married, she doesn’t know what to trust—her heart, which knows Paul to be a good man, or her growing suspicion that there’s something he’s hiding in the water.

My Thoughts

I just started this book, but I think it sounds deliciously twisty and dark, as only a psychological thriller can be. It’s been a crazy week due to a dead refrigerator, so a little distraction is a good thing and this book looks like the utmost in distractions.

Just Finished

Book Description

Descriptions can be found in last week’s post. Just click here.

My Thoughts

The Second Home is General Fiction or Women’s Fiction and is a story about family – what binds them, what can tear them apart, and what can bring them back together. I shed a tear or two as the family members fought over whether or not to sell their family’s beach house and all that the fight encompassed. The beach house represented much more than 4 walls and a roof and as the siblings work through this, you can’t help but feel for them and their moving story. This is one of those stories that will stick with me to some time.

Dark Shores is an Epic Fantasy. It’s considered YA but I don’t think I would restricted it that way. The characters are older teens but the world in the book considers them adults and they act as such. It contains gods and powers outside of what normal man has. One of the lands is very Ancient Rome in its inspiration while the other is full of magic – dark and light. It drew me in right away and I loved it.

Reading Next

Book Description

Genre: Romantic Mystery
Publication Date: June 8, 2020

Sometimes the one thing you’re looking for is right in front of you…

Stephen is on a very personal mission to find his father as per the wishes in their mother’s will. But he has no idea where to start, not that he’s going to tell anyone that… When Noelle, native New Yorker, daughter of a detective and desperate for a distraction from the novel she’s been struggling to write, offers to help, it feels like the perfect solution.

Except the last time she spoke to Stephen he thought they’d be seeing the New Year in together and instead she stood him up and sold him out! Stephen’s big enough and been around the block enough times to understand that all is fair in love and war, isn’t he? But when Stephen accepts her offer and they begin their search across the city, it soon becomes clear that the weather isn’t the only thing that’s heating up.

My Thoughts

I’m always worry books within the romance genre will be too sappy without enough meat to the story. I am hopeful, though, that I will enjoy this novel and it will have enough mystery or suspense in it.

What are you reading this week?

17 Replies to “WWW Wednesday | What am I Reading Now? – May 20th”

  1. Aaaaand now I have that Joe Cocker song stuck in my head, thank you for that. 😂 Your current read does sound a little spooky tbh. Like there is a cloud hanging over that lake. I hope you enjoy it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol. Hopefully the song will leave you soon. 😁. I think Stranger in the Lake sounds that way too. I can’t wait to delve in once I wake up a little more.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Dark Shores looks interesting! I feel like I’ve been seeing lots of books out lately surrounding the sea, mermaids, etc – I’d definitely love to pick up a few! Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was very good. I am so glad I waited to read/review it’s conclusion Dark Skies until I could read Dark Shores.


  3. I’m sorry about the frige! That sucks. Hope it’s fixed soon. Stranger in the Lake sounds interesting. Always a good small town setting for my thrillers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Small town in the NC mountains – so appropriate. There truly are many interesting individuals in Appalachia ❤️.
      We have to get a new fridge which is good and bad. Good because we didn’t really like this one. It came with the house and there was no reason to replace it before now. Bad because refrig cost so much money.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That setting sounds great! The frige stuff not so much. I guess once you’ve got it, it will be nice. But unexpected expenses always suck! It’s crazy how much those things can cost. Good luck finding a nice one 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh! I am enthralled by Stranger in the Lake. It sounds delicious. I can’t wait to hear your final thoughts and review!

    Liked by 1 person

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