Author Q & A | Raven Storm by Emma Miles

Thank you to Rachel’s Random Resources for my spot on this blog tour.

About the Book

Fear walks with those in power.

Divided, the land of Chem hangs in the balance. In the west the Ravens seek to bring safety to women, and an end to slavery. In the east the remaining covens cling to their power, refusing to give up their way of life to foreign invaders. Across both lands the priests whisper and plot, their gods a shadowy threat hanging over them all.
To protect their young family, Kesta and Jorrun have made their home in the Raven Tower of Elden. Unable to abandon their responsibility or friends, they remain embroiled in the fight to the north. Whilst peace and friendship blossom between the Fulmers, Borrows and Elden, the arrival of strangers turns the court of Taurmaline upside down. 

The history of the Fire-walkers is about to catch up with them, and the Fire-spirit’s truth will be revealed.

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Author Q & A about Raven Storm

I had an opportunity to ask Emma Miles questions about her newest book, Raven Storm and that q&a follows. Please join me in welcoming Emma to my blog today.

Hi Tessa, thanks for having me!

Q: What were your biggest influences when creating the world in this story, whether they be myths/legends, folklore, anime, manga or other novels?

With the Fire-Walker series I think it was landscapes that inspired me the most when creating the world in which it’s set. Elden is similar to western Europe, the Fulmer islands based on the rugged coastline of north Cornwall. Chem’s landscape I pictured as a volcanic Norway with deep narrow valleys hemmed in by mountains. The Borrow Islands and their culture were heavily influenced by Vikings.

Q: Would you ever consider using this world and/or some of the characters in future stories that you write outside of this series?

Yes, I’m already writing a spin off book that takes place between books three and four of the Fire-Walker series and features the adventures of one of the supporting characters. There may even be another spin off that takes place after, I’m certainly toying with it, although it will take more research than I normally do to ensure I get the details right.

Q: Did you hide any secrets in your book? (names of friends, little jokes, references to things only some people will get)

I like to put in little details that people realise are really significant later on as the story unfolds, but no I don’t hide anything for a minority or single person.

Q: What do you hope people remember about Raven Storm?

I just hope it takes them on an exciting emotional journey, but that they are left feeling fulfilled.

Q: What is your dream cast for Raven Storm?

I would love for the Turkish actor, Onur Tuna to play Jorrun, he has such piercing eyes and can portray such a huge array of emotion.
For Temerran the bard definitely Sam Heughan for that cheeky, charming smile!
Although a bit old for Kesta in the first book, Aishwarya Rai would be perfect for her. I loved the part of a warrior she played in ‘Last Legion,’ graceful, fast, fearless, but compassionate.

Q: Is there a character that you found challenging to write? Why?

Not in this book in the series, but in the first two books Osun was tough. He has some rather nasty character traits and does some vile things, but I needed him to remain human enough, and have enough redeeming qualities, that despite everything the reader could still feel for him.

Q: Which character is your favorite and why?

That would be like choosing between my children. One of the things I’ve enjoyed the most about writing this series is the cast of complex characters and how they develop, some for better, some for worse. They are all really fun to write though.

Q: Was there a scene or backstory about a favorite character that didn’t make it into the final version of Raven Storm that you can share with us?

 Not in Raven Storm as such, but one of the characters strikes off alone towards the end of the book, and they’ll be getting a whole book of their own out of it.

Q: How does a typical writing day look like for you?

I don’t have a typical day. I’m a full-time shift worker so writing time is scarce, I just squeeze in a few hours or minutes here and there when I get the chance. More often than not I sit on the sofa with my laptop on the arm, which is appallingly bad for my hips and knees! My favourite place to write is out in my garden.

Q: How much research goes into your books and at what point do you stop using research and build off it?

Because it’s a fantasy I create my own worlds and my own rules, but over the years I’ve researched all sorts of things, for example Mongolian horse archery, plants that kill or cure, fortifications, and how to sail. The most horrible thing I think I researched is how a decomposing body looks and smells and what happens when you touch it. On the whole research doesn’t take up a huge part of my writing process, especially with Google at my fingertips these days. I do have a small library with all sorts of interesting reference books in it though.

Q: What is it about fantasy that draws you to it?

The magic, the wonder, the possibilities. Whole new worlds to explore or create that you can lose yourself in. Escapism and hope.

Q: Planner or Pantser?

Definitely a pantser! I do always have a few plot points to aim for, but on the whole I let the story write itself and keep my mind open to inspiration.

Q: What is your current read?

I just finished reading a wonderful dystopian novel called the Moon Hunters, by Anya Pavelle, which was totally absorbing.

About the Author

I often get asked when I knew I was a writer; the answer is always. A writer is what I am, it’s in my soul. There have been times in my life when I couldn’t write, and times when my writing has been the only thing that kept me going. I think I always longed for something deeper from life, something more meaningful, and I found it in my imagination and in the music of words.

It was poetry which first caught my attention, and whilst my younger cousins called for ghost stories it was animals I first wrote of. I think I gravitated toward fantasy because of the freedom it gives, I could create my own worlds and decide my own rules. My Wind’s Children trilogy was born from an image that came to me whilst daydreaming, of a young man sitting alone below a bridge. I didn’t know who he was; it turns out neither did he, but we found out together.

I’m now working on my seventh book and love writing more than ever, it’s an addiction, an obsession, but one I now share with my wonderful writing family. My beta readers, my editor, and you, my readers, having you with me on my journey means the world to me.

I write as much as I can around work, but I also try to squeeze in a ridiculous amount of hobbies! I’m a wildlife photographer and do a little archery. I paint, sculpt with clay, withies and driftwood, preferring to be outdoors if I can. I still have a love for the theatre, having started out in life studying backstage crafts, and a great love for language. I speak a little French, Romanian and Italian, ma non molto bene!

Thanks for reading this. If you read any of my books and love them, please come say hello and tell me, you’d be surprised at how much that means to an author.
Take care of yourself.
Em x

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2 Replies to “Author Q & A | Raven Storm by Emma Miles”

  1. I had to chuckle over the “who is your favorite character” question. I think most all authors find that impossible to answer!
    Wishing Emma all the best with Raven Storm!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And, yet, people still have to ask, don’t they? I wonder why that is. I did it because it just felt like it should be there. Now, I’m going to go contemplate that for a while 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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