Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is Authors I’d Love a New Book From (These could be authors that have passed away, who have retired from writing, who have inexplicably gone quiet, or who might jut not be able to keep up with how quickly you read their books!). I chose authors who have passed, and it makes me sad that the world will not be blessed with any more of their works.

Rosalind Laker – she wrote a historical romance called To Dance With Kings that ruined all other romances for me. I ugly cried over this story set during the French Revolution. It totally changed the way I thought of the French Revolution and romances is general.

Terry Goodkind – As soon as I saw the first episode of the 2008 tv series – Sword of Truth – I just had to read the book it was based on which led to reading a very long series and a few books unrelated to the series – all written by Goodkind. This is only the second writer that I was truly sad to see pass because that meant no more new books. The series was truly over.

Anne Rice– And Anne Rice is the first author I felt that way about. This was an author that filled my world with her paranormal characters and I couldn’t get enough of them. When she passed and I realized the series was truly over, I mourned that even more than I did her.

Beverly Cleary – her book – Runaway Ralph was the first book I remember reading and wanting anything and everything I could get ahold of written by that author. I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and proceeded to read everything I could find by Beverly Cleary.

Agatha Christie – I think Agatha Christie is still the master of the cozy mystery and I wish we could have new books written by her.

Shakespeare – this is someone who understand the foundation of the human psyche so well that he (or she) wrote plays who’s characters are still relatable today. I always marveled at this and wish we could have more.

Mark Twain – nobody was or is better at describing the US and its citizens in just everyday life with all of its joys and struggles that Samual Clemens.

Maya Angelou – I will truly miss Angelou reciting her own poetry. The power of her voice was only second to the power of her words.

I can think of a lot more authors who have passed and some even that I loved as much as the ones listed, but I can’t think of any that impacted my life like the above eight did so I’m not going to add to my list simply to get to ten. I’m going to leave it with my top 8.

What’s an author you’d love a new book from?

27 Replies to “Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Love a New Book From”

  1. I love the way you went with this prompt, Tessa. What a great list. I have not read anything by the first two authors on this list, but definitely enjoyed the others. I also read everything I could get my hands on by Beverly Cleary, and she turned me into a vociferous reader at a young age.


  2. Great change of prompt! I would put Shakespeare, Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis on my list.


    1. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis definitely could have finished off my list and given me ten. I don’t know why I didn’t think of them 🤦🏻‍♀️

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      1. It happens to the best of us! I usually end up forgetting something on these lists haha.


  3. Great list, Tessa! I would love more from Anne Rice although I’ve got a lot of her backlist to get through. I also still have to read a Maya Angelou book but I’m sad the world will not be blessed with more books by her!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh man, I would LOVE to see Mark Twain write about modern/current American society. I think it’d be eye-popping — he’s definitely a favorite (I wrote my history thesis on his Joan of Arc, actually).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Absolutely Anne Rice. You might want to sit down for this. I read To Dance With Kings years ago. Not my usual genre, and I’m not even sure where I got the book. I didn’t ugly cry, but I remember the ending connecting a lot of people I think?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do find that surprising! It was the stuff during the French Revolution that just broke my heart and yes, it ended with like her granddaughter (I think) falling in love with a descendent from her true loves immediate family. Or something like that. I just loved the descriptions of royal court in all its opulence too.

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  6. This is a great list! I really need to read an Agatha Christie book!! I have one just haven’t done it yet. lol


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