Book Blogger Hop | Vacation Reading

click on the graphic to go to Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer for more info

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, Billy @ Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to their own blog.


Do you bring along books when you go on a vacation?

(submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)


I take my iPad along with me nearly everywhere we go. This is one of the many reasons why I appreciate and mostly read ebooks.

My iPad has been here (almost every summer):

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, US


This is from a cruise on the Disney Magic around the Iberian Peninsula starting in Barcelona, Spain and ending in Dover, England. This is a picture of Cádiz, Spain – a coastal town that I absolutely fell in love with.

But, NOT here:

Disney World (Magic Kingdom), Orlando, Florida, US, where thousands of strangers photobomb every picture you take ❤️


Little Palm Island, Florida Keys, US

And, even here:

Paris, France

But still NOT here:

Walt Disney World / Hollywood Studios / Galaxy’s Edge – Orlando, Florida, US

I enjoyed many good books while I relaxed in all of these beautiful locals. I love to read at the beach, while I look out over the water. It is definitely my happy place.

How about you, do you take books on vacation? Do you take physical copies or are you like me and have been lured in by the convenience of having hundreds of books in one little, easy-to-carry package (ebooks) ?

44 Replies to “Book Blogger Hop | Vacation Reading”

  1. I rarely go on vacation….so when I do go,my family demands all my attention…..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I absolutely love this book blogger hop idea…..can you tell me how we can use it

    Liked by 2 people

      1. If you click on the yellowish/tannish graphic at the top of my post, it will take you to the host site that has all the instructions and prompts. I look forward to seeing your posts❤️

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    1. If you click on the yellowish/tannish graphic at the top of my post, it will take you to the host site that has all the instructions and prompts. I look forward to seeing your posts❤️


      1. I did click there…however it just opened a picture for me….🙁


  3. I take my ereader with me everywhere! I even have two: a Kobo and a Kindle! Fun fact, when I went to Ireland back in 2014 I even got questioned at Customs about why I had two ereaders and my parents had to wait a half hour for me while I got questioned, haha!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My Kindle, phone and tablet go with me on every holiday. The first time I took all 3 on holiday security at Heathrow airport asked why I had so many devices. My answer because the iPad is for watching movies and YouTube videos and my Kindle is for books only and my phone is for everything 😉.

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  5. When I go on vacation, our yearly camping trip, I fill a box of books + throw in my kindle just in case I need more reading (generally though I have enough from the books in the box and ones I get from a nearby library). I much prefer having physical books with me. And during our rare city trips I bring a small stack of books with me. Kindles are nice, but it does still tire my eyes after a while. Plus, I miss the feel of a real book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get some reading done there but one of my daughters likes to go go go from open to close and makes the rest of us go, go, go with her so I’m beyond tired usually right from day 1. But the trip there and back is great for reading ❤️


  6. I’m a convert to the ereader. I wasn’t sure if I would like one but now I couldn’t live without the convenience and portability of it!
    I’m always surprised to read how many people in the US don’t take a vacation (or holiday as we would call it). We have fairly cheap package holiday deals to many European destinations, and if you can’t afford that there are always cheap caravan (trailer) holidays. You are never more than a 2 – 3 hour drive from a British beach so you can even go for a day trip.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is cheaper to holiday/vacation when you live in Europe from the research I’ve done. But, even though I’m in the US, we’ve always prioritized spending time away as a family. I’m about 2-3 hours from the beach too and I grew up much closer to the coast as did my husband. I can’t live without my ereader for all of those trips or just in general 😊

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      1. Tourism is a huge industry over here and I can well image it being cheaper to travel. There are so many budget airlines, hotels etc that competition keeps prices low.

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  7. I don’t understand the question. Are there people who don’t take books on vacation? I always take my e-readers and sometimes a physical book(s). I just discovered my son’s old Nook glowlight is fantastic for reading on the beach – no glare, it’s much lighter, and takes up less space in the bag. I decide on my vacation reads before I pack anything. I suspect the two of us would get along just fine on the beach, Tessa – it’s also my happy place.

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  8. You had some very cool places to read, Tessa!
    I take both paperbacks and my Kindle depending on where I am going. If it involves a beach vacation, paperbacks normally win, but anywhere else is usually my Kindle. I still love reading a paperback on the sand 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Reading on Little Palm Island must have been an awesome and relaxing experiencee!!!! TELL ME YOU READ A FEEL-GOOD Katie Fforde or something….SAYY ITTT!!!!! ❤ ❤ *HEART EYES*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually read a YA series. I think it was Artemis Fowl. Lol. I’m weird that way. I mostly remember it because it was the first time I realized how convenient an eReader is. I held off eBooks FOREVER believing that I could only love paper and then came Little Palm Island – no TV, no Phone, and the only internet was near the dock to the ferry off the island. I started the first book on the plane to Key West and I was hooked, so I just kept reading book after book. 🏝❤️📚

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      1. YES! Me too! For the longest time, I avoided buying a kindle because…well…how could it even come close to the beautiful and adventurous feeling that a physical copy gives us!??! But…I did buy it eventually – mainly for using Netgalley 🤣 – and then started to like it. It’s really very convenient and I LOVE HOW EASY MAKING NOTES IS ON A KINDLE! 😍😍😍😍

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  10. That’s something I really love about my Kindle – I can bring a bunch of library books with me without taking up space or fear of ruining them! But yeah, absolutely no reading gets done at Disney World. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. EBooks & eReaders are so convenient ❤️.
      We’ve been to Disney so many times, but still we go from sun up to midnight – nearly everyday. Craziness!

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  11. Thanks for sharing you holiday pics with us, Tessa. I’ve got the Kindle app on my tablet and sitting anywhere reading is bliss. But at the coast looking out at the sea or in my back garden are my happy places too.

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    1. We love to travel. I grew up very close to the beach, as did my husband, and the ocean is just in are blood. There is no escaping it for us 😍❤️🏖

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      1. My hubby would love to live by the ocean. Luckily we live near the south coast of England, so the seaside is only 30 mins away!

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