Book Blogger Hop | When Hyped Books Disappoint

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The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, Billy @ Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to their own blog.


What book/books got a lot of hype but were a disappointment for you?

(submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver’s Reviews)


I am not someone who is typically attracted to hyped books. The hype usually has the opposite effect on me than intended. I don’t know why. I guess I just have a rebellious nature. Well, maybe not guess I have a rebellious nature, but more like I know that I do. I own it. I do it with a smile though – doesn’t that make it better?

My daughter, on the other hand, gravitates towards hyped books, and her list for this question would be long judging by our discussions of what she’s reading.

I do read a few, though. I don’t usually know they are hyped when I pick them up. I just think they sound interesting. My girls have also inspired me to read some for a themed birthday party or because they wanted me to see a movie based on the book with them.

Mostly I have enjoyed those books, but there was one that disappointed me. Allegiant, which followed Divergent and Insurgent, took the story to a place where I was just like, “What? How did we get here?” It was a very unsatisfactory ending to the trilogy for me – enough so, that I haven’t gotten over it nor have I forgotten it in all these years.

What hyped books have been a disappointment for you?

20 Replies to “Book Blogger Hop | When Hyped Books Disappoint”

  1. There are certain hyped books that I can’t wait to read (like Where the Crawdads Sing), but there are some that just don’t capture me, and Roth’s series is one of them. I’m not sure why. Maybe I’m wary of too much teenage drama? Lol. A fun blog-hop question.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That was definitely a daughter-inspired read. There is quite a bit of angst which is tiresome. Oohh…I want to read Where the Crawdad Sings too. I had it from the library when it first came out but couldn’t get to it before it was due back 😢

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  2. Oh, Allegiant. I could have listed that one too. I really liked the first two books in the series and then there was Allegiant. Like you, I didn’t care for the direction the author went. It left me disappointed.

    Sometimes I am repelled by hype too–it really depends, and the reason isn’t always clear to me. Because there are other books I am eager to get my hands on that do receive a lot of praise and hype.

    I hope you have a great weekend! Stay safe and well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling that way about Allegiant ❤️. You have a great weekend as well!


  3. I didn’t like this book either! I was kind of disappointed by the entire series, to be honest! I found so many of the characters to be annoying, and I just didn’t connect with any of them

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  4. Oh boy, I have a hate/love relationship with hyped books. Most often I’m in the minority and just figured out moving on to something better is all I can do 😀

    ~ Corina | The Brown Eyed Bookworm

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      1. I do 😁 because you never know, but often it’s a DNF and I just move on. But I’m too curious not to try 😏

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  5. Off the top of my head I can think of three books that get a lot of hype but, for me, I felt 1 star was generous: Priory if the Orange Tree, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Court of Broken Knives, Blood of Elves … I probably could go on, but won’t 😂

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  6. Oh my god ME TOOO!! Hyped books make me afraid! I don’t exactly know why that is – maybe because the fear if disappointment is too great with those? I don’t know but I just…NOPE. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Awww! You reading them for your daughters’ themed b’day is just TOO HEARTWARMING, Tessa! ❤️

    I HATED the first movie in this series you know! So I never watched the others, nor did I read the books! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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    1. The first book was good but, yeah, I wasn’t a fan of the movies either. You would just die if you saw my Hunger Games party favors and cake. ❤️


  7. I stopped reading hyped books which were rejected at NG. But overall, I am a little skeptical about such books

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