Mini #BookReviews | The Widow Queen by Elzbieta Cherezinska and Finding Home by Kate Field

The Widow Queen by Elzbieta Cherezinska is the epic tale of a medieval queen.

Swietoslawa was inspiringly ahead of her time. She always knew she wanted to rule without the aid of a man. The character is detailed with intricate layer after intricate layer. Even though the story focuses on five different interconnected characters, her story drew me in the most. She is such a great example of women empowerment, doing even distasteful tasks involved with ruling and figuring out how to rule within the confines of a male-dominated world. She is inspiring even today.  

I also enjoyed the setting. I did not know much about Scandinavia’s medieval history, and this book provided that and more. I especially enjoyed the mystical elements and how the transition from the old gods to Christianity transpired. I know the facts behind that transition, but it never felt so real and as messy as it did in this tale. 

If you are looking for a medieval story whose heroine could inspire epic fantasy tales. In that case, you will be enchanted by this tale of the queen who ruled in Scandinavia.

Rating: ☀️☀️☀️☀️

Finding Home by Kate Field is a lovely read when you need to feel inspired. It made me cheer and smile from start to finish.

 Mim is a scarred woman, and helping Bea and Bill causes those scars to fade in ways she would never have imagined.  I love Mim’s independence and determination and how she does not let people run over her.  The characters are all well-developed though I wish that Mim’s development included stories from her childhood that framed her choices today. 

Corin is my favorite character.  I love that he has not let wealth turn him into someone who is unbearably entitled and instead lives modestly and wears sweaters with holes in them – so eccentric. 

I was frustrated with the last 25% of the book because I could not figure out why in the world Mim would make the choices she did.  That is where I think stories from her childhood could help explain them and make them understandable, if not still misguided. 

My favorite aspect of the story is the setting.  I love a beach setting, especially one that takes place in a small village.  It makes me feel all the good vibes that this story is trying to portray. 

This is an excellent read for people who are looking for that lovely, light read that will make them feel good from the inside out.

Rating: ☀️☀️☀️☀️

Amazon Links with Preview/Excerpts

9 Replies to “Mini #BookReviews | The Widow Queen by Elzbieta Cherezinska and Finding Home by Kate Field”

  1. Glad you enjoyed these for the most part, Tessa! Excellent reviews. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These both sound good to me, Tessa. I’m especially intrigued by The Widow Queen. Excellent reviews even if Finding Home fell a little short at the end.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Widow Queen is very Game of Thronish with its mysticism and cut-throat politics. It’s best read slowly but definitely a good story.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love a beach setting but also enjoy learning about different places. Weird choices out of the blue would annoy me – you’re right about some backstory helping to understand. Sounds like you had two very enjoyable reads, Tessa!

    Liked by 1 person

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