Book Review | Dark Shore by Danielle Jensen

Book Description

In a world divided by meddlesome gods and treacherous oceans, only the Maarin possess the knowledge to cross the Endless Seas. But they have one mandate: East must never meet West.

Teriana is the second mate of the Quincense and heir to the Maarin Triumvirate. Her people are born of the seas and the keepers of its secrets, but when her closest friend is forced into an unwanted betrothal, Teriana breaks her people’s mandate so her friend might escape—a choice with devastating consequences.

Marcus is the commander of the Thirty-Seventh, the notorious legion that has led the Celendor Empire to conquer the entire East. The legion is his family, but even they don’t know the truth he’s been hiding since childhood. It’s a secret he’ll do anything to protect, no matter how much it costs him – and the world.

When an Empire senator discovers the existence of the Dark Shores, he captures Teriana’s crew and threatens to reveal Marcus’s secret unless they sail in pursuit of conquest, forcing the two into an unlikely—and unwilling—alliance. They unite for the sake of their families, but both must decide how far they are willing to go, and how much they are willing to sacrifice.

My Review

From page one of The Dark Shore, I found myself swept away, as the characters were, on the Quincense, and I loved every minute of it. Full of magic and adventure, there was no end to the fast-pace and intense emotions.

What I Loved

I loved the characters. Each one is well-developed, sympathetic, and heroic in their way:

Teriana is strong and proud. She makes decisions that require an extraordinary inner strength reflecting her maturity and ability to lead. Marcus is a born leader with an uncanny ability to understand languages and the people speaking them. Bait is magical, sneaky, and just a pure delight. It feels like he could be a fun, mischievous character during regular times. All three are unique in their own right and drive the story as it moves from conflict to conflict.

The dual narrators – Teriana and Marcus – alternately tell their tale in a manner that has a natural flow and works very well to create the multi-faceted story of the Dark Shore. Frequently I do not care for multiple narrators, but I thought it added something to this story being in the minds of both an Easterner and a Westerner.

I loved that the novel did not read like a YA Fantasy. It felt more like an Epic Fantasy made for any age from teen to adult. Though the main characters are technically teenagers, they are considered adults with adult responsibilities and decisions in their world. They never, even remotely, act like the teenagers in this world.

I loved the setting. The East is reminiscent of Ancient Greece and Rome socio-politically without their belief in gods. It is a very organized world that uses children to grow a robust unstoppable army and practices democracy with rulers elected in a general election. Whereas, the West is made of several countries (or areas) with their own rulers, and they believe in the Six Gods that ultimately control their world. There is a richness to the West that the East does not have, which comes from their beliefs and their culture.

I loved the magic elements. The powers of individual people have not been as developed as of yet, but the battle between the gods was extraordinary. That was my favorite scene in the novel. I can’t wait to see if we find out if there are more powers in the people marked by a god-like Bait and the village healer.

To Read or Not to Read

If you love Epic Fantasy, you will love this swashbuckling, richly-spun tale by Danielle Jensen.

17 Replies to “Book Review | Dark Shore by Danielle Jensen”

  1. I actually prefer multiple narrators. That tactic gives me more perspectives without breaking POV or getting flawed assumptions from the one voice I get. It’s always interesting to me to hear other people’s preferences.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s interesting. I like multiple narrators if it’s needed to tell the whole story and done well (distinctive voices, seamless transitions) but otherwise it tends to be confusing to me.

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      1. When I write, I try to always start the scene with the POV character’s name in the first sentence. I hope that’s enough to ground the reader. (I’ve never had anyone tell me they got lost, so I hope no one has.) As I edit, I see writers “name” their chapters with the POV character’s name. I don’t usually read those “titles” when I read for pleasure, though. (Weird, right?)

        I can see why getting one (and only one) POV suits readers, though. It can feel a lot more immersive. And, as you pointed out, if multiple POVs aren’t handled properly, it can be confusing.

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  2. Fab review, Tessa! I’ve seen this book around, but after reading your review, I’ll have to add it to my TBR. I’m a fan of multiple POVs as long as it fits within the story and they’re distinct.

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  3. Epic Fantasy is one of my favorite genres but it’s one I don’t usually read because they’re usually too long and in need of my full attention. But I want to read this one. Great review, by the way. You tackled every aspect of the book properly. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and this one is not too bad length-wise. The paperback is 384 pages and went really fast. Hope you enjoy it when you get to it 😊

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  4. It’s been a while since I read epic fantasy, but it’s always been my favorite kind. And I do love multiple narrators in third person POV, but when they’re written in first, it can get dicey.
    Beautiful book cover, too!

    Liked by 1 person

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